CSE Practice Exam Bundle


Unlimited access to online practice exams to help ARE candidates looking to take the California Supplemental Exam.



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This exam bundle includes:

  • Unlimited access to the practice exam.  There’s no expiration and you can take the practice exams as many times as you want
  • Study based on the time you have available.  There are 3 practice exam formats (10 Question, 25 Question, and a Timed Mock Exam) which allow you to study no matter what your time constraints are
  • It’s always different.  Since questions are pulled randomly from a library of questions, the practice exams are always different
  • Achievements.  We implemented an achievement and point system to reward you as you study for each exam.  Your purchase gives you access to premium-only achievements
  • Mobile-friendly. We know you’re busy.  It can be hard to set aside time to study.  That’s why the exams are mobile-friendly so you can take them with you wherever you go

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