7 Ways to Make Money with Sketchup

Ever wondered if you could make money with Sketchup? In this article, we’re going to cover seven ways you can! There are plenty of ways you can make money with modeling and rendering programs. From traditional to more non-traditional methods, there are a variety of options to choose from! If you ever thought becoming an architect was the only way you could be using Sketchup-think again!
Traditional Ways to Make Money with Sketchup
1. Architecture or Interior Design Firm
The first way is to take a more traditional route and get a job as an architect or interior designer. You would go to school, learn to draft, and eventually find your way into an architecture or interior design firm. There, you can use the skills you’ve learned in Sketchup.

2. Consulting
Another option is to become a consultant for an architecture or interior design firm. In other words, you would be making Sketchup models for them. Many firms don’t want to spend the time making their own 3D models, so they will hire someone else to do it for them. This is a great place to find your niche market and hone your Sketchup skills!

Non-traditional Ways to Make Money with Sketchup
3. Freelance
If you’re interested in doing freelance work, you can create an account on sites like Upwork and Fiverr and offer your skills as a freelance designer. Many companies will look for someone to refine their drawings or take them to 3D. This is a great way to find clients all over the country and the world!
4. Sell Assets
Designing objects and selling them on 3D model websites can be a lucrative way to make money with Sketchup. It can be difficult to gain traction using this method, but if you’re looking for some passive income and enjoy modeling objects in Sketchup, this may be the option for you!

5. Stock Photo Sites
If you’re using Sketchup to model, chances are you have a bunch of options to create renderings for. It may be slow to see revenue, but there is a wide range of people looking for stock images. You’ve already taken the time to create a detailed model, so why not hit render and sell that image for some extra cash?
6. Stock Footage Sites
Similar to the previous method, you can also use Sketchup to create products for stock footage websites. This method is different because instead of selling images, you would be selling animations. You can charge a lot more for animation and there are plenty of people looking for different kinds. Sketchup already has this feature built into it, so you can make a simple animation or use a rendering program to enhance the animation even further. You won’t become a millionaire overnight, but it’s fair to say you could make a few hundred dollars a month.

7. Teach Sketchup
The last method to make money with Sketchup is simply by teaching others how to use it! You may think that you don’t know anything special, but there are people out there that may not know as much as you do and you could be a huge help to them! You can write articles, create Youtube videos, or even make online courses.

Ready to learn even more Sketchup skills? Head over to our tutorials page to see some of our own Sketchup tips. You may be surprised at what you will learn!
Happy Hacking!
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